Client Testimonials

Before Working With Madi:

My business had grown into something that I was really proud of, but at the cost of my mental (and honestly, physical) health. I'm passionate about my work and my life as a whole, but had been so burnt out I couldn't imagine taking on the other goals I dreamed about accomplishing.”

After Working With Madi:

“Working with Madi has genuinely been the best use of my time and funds probably since I started my business. If you're struggling with burnout and work-life balance, I couldn't recommend her enough.

— Tatum Brandt, Founder, Brandt Creative Co.

Before Working With Madi:

“My job responsibilities had expanded greatly (two-fold) for a temporary period of time. I love my job and want to continue to love my job but I knew the additional responsibilities came with a substantial increase in stress and pressure. Based on prior experience, I was concerned how I would respond to the additional stress. I wanted to learn a new approach to proactively avoid burn out and to continue to love my job.”

After Working With Madi:

“I cannot control whether there are stressful situations or circumstances. I can, however, control how I react and think about stress. Often times, my reaction to stressful situations was based on prior work experiences or expectations/pressures I was self imposing. I am now very aware of my thoughts and habits - I now set myself up for success based on the tools I learned.

For example, I recently took a week vacation and did not think or stress about work once - I set up the mental boundary to not allow myself to ruminate about what may be going on at the office, how many emails did I have waiting for me, etc.

The healthy stress mindset and habits have spilled into my personal life. I find myself less reactive to my family and friends, and I am more relaxed. Working with Madi has changed my life is such an amazing way.”

— Monica (Attorney)

Before Working With Madi:

“I was on maternity leave and my husband commented that I was a completely different person when work wasn't sucking the life out of me. The last few weeks before maternity leave, I was so desperate for a break from work that I was more excited to have time off work than I was to have a baby - and I realized that was a completely unhealthy place to be. I spent so much time in a cortisol-fueled downward mental spiral at work that I was completely exhausted and starting to hate my job - a position that I had dedicated over a decade of my life to train for. I felt completely lost.”

After Working With Madi:

“Just follow Madi on Instagram. If you feel like all of her posts are speaking directly to you, you'll know you need her program! - If you've lost passion for your work and feel like your job is starting to eat you alive, Madi will give you the tools to increase your resilience and rediscover the joy in your work and home life.”

— K. Montgomery, M.D.

Before Working With Madi:

“[I was] Burning myself out constantly.”

After Working With Madi:

“If you're feeling super stressed, anxious, or teetering on the edge of burnout, Madi will help restore your sanity. She's the perfect balance of compassionate and realistic, and will help you confront the habits that aren't doing you any favors and replace them with healthier ones that feel better. After working with Madi I have a much better understanding of what I've been doing that's increasing my stress and how I can better mitigate it going forward.

— Whitney Filloon, Copywriter & Business Owner

Before Working With Madi:

“I was at a place where I recognized I was struggling with stress - but didn't feel like I had the tools and skills I needed to manage it in a productive way. I was ready for change but needed direction.

After Working With Madi:

“If you are ready to look deeper and understand more about where your stress is coming from, this program is what you are looking for! Madi's workbook helped me explore different ways that stress was coming into my life (perfectionism, all or nothing thinking, "crisis" language). After chatting with Madi, I'm walking away with tools and strategies to help build better habits and manage how stress impacts my daily life.

Highly Recommend!

— Amy H.

Before Working With Madi:

“[I was] At a point where my stress and depression spirals had gotten so bad that I was frozen and unable to begin the process of fixing it.”

After Working With Madi:

“Many people who are suffering from burnout would love to feel different but couldn't possibly imagine how they could find the time to work on it. Working with Madi gets you back in the driver's seat of your own life. Her science-based approach in the written materials combines perfectly with her empathy and warm personality in the one-on-one calls. Nobody at the bottom is going to solve all of their problems in six weeks, but you will emerge with a game plan and a new mindset, ready to tackle them. Your issues will become challenges to work through instead of insurmountable forces acting on you.”

— Dan C.

“Madi was super honest and still able to communicate softly but directly, and even make some tough conversations for me easier. I was able to reflect a lot more after talking through things.”

— Hannah M.